Stabat Mater, Holy week in Cuglieri
The Stabat Mater is a Catholic prayer of the thirteenth century that begins with the words Stabat Mater dolorósa (The Sorrowful Mother stood) and is a meditation on the sufferings of Mary, mother of Jesus, during the crucifixion and the Passion of her son.
In Cuglieri (OR), the rites of Holy Week, which retraces the Passion of Jesus Christ, have a silent subject that hides among the theatricality of the same ones.
The Stabat mater sung by the singers surround the women who have suffered mourning during the year and follow the processions with lighted candles.
Not only they live these days emotionally, every mother suffers in silence as if her son were to live the Passion of Christ.
The Confraternity of the Addolorata bears the Virgin of the seven pains;
The Confraternity of Santa Croce carries the statue of Santa Maria Maddalena which was among the few to able to fitness the crucifixion and – according to some Gospels – became the first eyewitness and the first announcer of the resurrection;
The Confraternity of Carmine carries Saint Veronica who, according to Christian tradition, seeing the face of Jesus stained with sweat and blood during the passion, cleansed it with a linen cloth, on which would remain the imprint of the face;
The Confraternity of San Giovanni Battista carries the statue of Santa Marta, sister of Lazarus;
The Confraternity of the Rosary bears the effigy of Santa Maria Cleofa, a disciple of Jesus present during the passion.